Maria Portugal-World View

Final Statement

Final Statement...

         Final Statement 


During the conclusion of the #EoF2022 event the 12 thematic vvillages that are part of The Economy of Francesco presented à Final Statement. This declaration reflects the work and commitment of the members of these villages, and on Septembert 24, this declaration was consigned to Pope Francis

 Final Statement EoF Assisi 2022 


1. Policies for Happiness: We, as people, families, communities, and citizens of the world, believe that “we cannot make ourselves happy without making others happy as well” and that we can only achieve this by adopting new metrics for the common good and by encouraging civil institutions to provide the time and space necessary to build meaningful relations.

2. Energy and Poverty: We are advocates of an energy transition, ruled by a generative process that allows our society to revert multidimensional poverty and inequalities. We propose a Social green deal sharing clean technologies that come from fair production value chains and circular economy principles.

3. Life and Lifestyle: We believe in integral humanism, which implies a lifestyle that respects the dignity of all. We commit to educate our consumption standards, take care of Creation, to impact in a positive way our local environment, and work together with active civil society, science, and institutions, towards the development of the common good.

4. Business and Peace: We believe that peace must be an ongoing process also in business. This includes education, responsibility, awareness, and justice, focused on the development of a sustainable environment condemning wicked investments. A peace economy does not include weapons or profit-only maximizing businesses.

5. W4E: We commit ourselves to help women to thrive, in order to generate a transformative change, towards a humane, sustainable, equitable, and inclusive economy. No one is left behind if no woman is left behind.

6. Business in transition: Transition is a virtuous cycle: first you have passion, then the heart connects to the mind, and then back again. We are committed to promote new economic frameworks and sustainable business models that transform traditional businesses and guide emerging ones through a more regenerative and distributive way of doing business.

7. Work and Care: We firmly believe that through work we are enabled to participate in God’s creation by fulfilling ourselves within our communities. We ask for a new culture of work that prioritizes people’s dignity, acknowledges the contribution of each worker, generates shared economic value, breaking in-work poverty.

8. CO2 for Inequalities: We commit to reducing inequality becoming a living covenant with the most vulnerable in our communities. We want to create meaningful spaces so that all can be heard, can fully participate, and can have greater decision-making power through inclusive education. 

9. Management and Gift: We believe in Management as the art of bringing people together for the common good through communal leadership, not supremacy.

10. Vocation and Profit: Vocation and Profit brings the spiritual and practical together. It allows for the tensions in life to be faced as a source of innovation, rather than fear. We strive for a balance between tasks and relationships, one that leads to action. We acknowledge that many cannot even think of combining Vocation and Profit. And we are called to change this.

11. Agriculture and Justice: We are creating an integral ecology alliance by co-creating a new coherent narrative that we are translating into farming projects. We want to boost access to land and commons through advocacy actions, global and local strategies and public policies, based on harmonious relationships with indigenous peoples, following the steps of St. Francis.

12. Finance and Humanity: We want to focus on the potential of finance to be an instrument for human integral development and care of creation, in light of Catholic Social Thought. We are committed to work locally and globally towards fraternity-driven financial markets, cultivating seed by seed, and walking side by side.